The Opportunity of Partnership in Marriage

November 29th, 2015 by Andy

IMG_0653The following excerpt is from my book, The Partnership Marriage: Creating the Life You Love…Together.

“Partnership is a natural expression of your marriage if you and your spouse see yourselves as being responsible for the choice you made to get married in the first place. Being responsible for that choice forges a sense of personal commitment for the health and vitality of your marriage.

Partnership is a passionate demonstration of your love for each other if you understand that your love is freely given and shared in your marriage. If you see yourselves as partners in life, you will be responsible for keeping the love and respect you have for each other alive over the long haul.

Partnership is a powerful context for your marriage if you view yourselves as equal human beings with the same rights and opportunities to pursue your aspirations in life. If you hold each other as equals in life, you will also honor each other’s commitments and work together to create a life where your roles and responsibilities are equitable. If those roles and responsibilities are not fairly distributed, you will work out your household arrangements so that both of you feel that your contributions are fair and appreciated by each other.

Partnership is a valuable perspective for viewing your marriage if you are committed to each other in fulfilling your goals, individually and collectively. If you are committed to partnership in your marriage, you will grant each other authorship or agency to pursue what is important to you individually while also pursuing your shared dreams.

And finally, partnership is a way of being for any two people, regardless of sexual orientation, who have the extraordinary privilege to marry and the opportunity to create a long and happy life together. A partnership marriage ultimately is created over the course of many conversations in which you and your spouse honor the values that are important to you, fulfill your vision for a shared life, master life’s challenges together and sustain an enduring love for each other.

The kinds of conversations that you have in your relationship have great power in determining whether your marriage will endure, be fulfilling and be lifelong or whether your marriage will head toward divorce or, even worse, last over time but be lifeless, stagnant and unhappy. A partnership marriage in this respect is not for faint of heart. It takes everything you have.”

My book makes a great Christmas gift! If you’d like to order a copy of my book, click on Amazon or the book title above.


Miser, A. (2014) The partnership marriage: Creating the life you love…together. Charleston, South Carolina: Create Space Publishing.

Posted in Partnership Marriage

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