Creating a Partnership Collage
You and your partner can create a vision of your partnership in a fun and creative way by creating a picture collage. It takes an hour or two to accomplish this together. Here are the instructions:
1. First, to create a collage, all you need is a piece of large poster board, scissors, a glue stick and a number of magazines. You can also use any other materials you wish, such as personal pictures, crayons, markers, etc., to construct your collage.
2. Sit together around a table where you can work in partnership. Start by each of you tearing out from 20 to 25 pictures from magazines. Do this activity individually and, at this point in the exercise, avoid sharing the pictures with your partner. These pictures depict images of the vision of you have of your partnership. The vision of your partnership expresses:
• Who you are as a couple?
• What you are committed to?
• What’s important to you both?
• What you care about and value?
• What you as a couple contribute to those around us?
• What you enjoy co-creating?
• What you love doing together?
3. After you each have your pictures, spend time, sharing back and forth what each picture represents for you individually. Have a conversation about what is important to you in your relationship. You can write down key words (or values) that you share with each other.
4. Next, work together to create your collage. Together, choose the pictures you both want to include in your collage. Trim the pictures the way you want them. You can first lay all your pictures out on the poster board or you can create the collage as you go. Paste the pictures onto the poster board.
5. Lastly, using the words that you generated, you can create a Vision Statement for your Partnership. Or, you can co-create a poem using the words you have. Or you can simply write the words on the back of the poster board.
6. Have fun creating this with your partner!
7. Place your collage in a prominent location in your home. Share your collage and the Vision of your Partnership with others.
Miser, A. (2007). Visualize your future together: Use the Merlin Principle! Unpublished paper.
Tags: Andrew L. Miser, Co-creation, Couples coaching, Partnership marriage, Vision